Why Chasing Happiness Doesn’t Work (And What Does Instead)

A lot of people think happiness is about achieving goals — getting the dream job, the perfect relationship, financial success.

Have you ever noticed that the more you chase happiness, the more it seems to slip away?

That’s because happiness isn’t something you get — it’s something you create.

Think about the moments in life when you’ve felt the most fulfilled. Chances are, they weren’t about what you received but rather what you contributed.

  • The time you helped a friend when they really needed you.
  • The project you put your heart into, not for recognition, but because you cared.
  • The warmth you felt when you gave your time, energy, or love freely.

This is because true happiness comes from adding value — not just to yourself, but to the world around you.

Connection Comes from Giving, Not Just Identifying Problems

A lot of people want to feel more connected in their relationships, work, and communities. But instead of investing, they focus on what’s missing.

  • My partner doesn’t communicate the way I want.
  • Work doesn’t feel meaningful enough.
  • I don’t feel appreciated by my friends or family.

It’s easy to point out what’s lacking. It’s harder to actively create the connection we crave.

But here’s the truth: the only way to feel truly connected to something is by investing in it.

A mother naturally feels more bonded to her child because she is the one nurturing, giving, and sacrificing. A teacher who pours into their students’ success feels more attached to them than the students do to the teacher.

The same is true in every area of life.

If you want to create value and connection, start by giving.

Not in a grand, overwhelming way — but through small, intentional actions.

  • Instead of focusing on what your friendships lack, make the first move. Send the message. Make the plan.
  • Instead of waiting for recognition at work, take initiative. Offer to help. Do the extra task.
  • Instead of feeling distant from your family, find small ways to contribute. Clean up. Cook something. Show up.

And most importantly — don’t judge how it’s received.

Giving isn’t about controlling outcomes. It’s about making the effort. The act itself is what creates connection.

The Humility of Adding Value

When we put in the work — whether in relationships, personal growth, or skill-building — we start to understand something deeply:

The shortest way is always the long way.

There’s no shortcut to deep relationships, meaningful work, or personal fulfillment. It takes time, consistency, and patience.

But the more we invest, the more we appreciate the process.

  • When you’ve spent years refining a skill, you recognize true mastery in others.
  • When you’ve built a relationship with intention, you stop expecting connection to just “happen.”
  • When you’ve created something meaningful, you understand the details matter.

This is where humility comes in — not in thinking less of yourself, but in respecting the effort behind real value.

It’s easy to dismiss other people’s success until we realize nothing truly great happens by accident.

A Simple Exercise: How Are You Adding Value?

Take a moment to reflect on how you’ve contributed today.

Make a list:

  • Where did I add value?
  • How did I make something better?
  • What small action did I take that strengthened a relationship, a project, or even my own well-being?

If you don’t have an answer, start now.

Add something — anything.

It doesn’t have to be big. Just start.

Because the more you give, the more connected you become.

And when you start adding value, life starts giving back.


Exciting News!

📖 My book It’s Personal is now available for pre-order!
It’s a collection of letters from the last six months, diving into self-growth, intuition, and personal transformation.

It's Personal
It's Personal: Your Emotions, Your Relationships, Your Choices by Esther Levy Dresdner In It's Personal, Esther Levy…ujjayiinc.com

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Esther Levy
Mind & Body Programming | The Art of Preparation | Author of "Interior Design of the Body" | Self-Growth | Motherhood |…estherlevy.kit.com

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For Contact Esther@ujjayiinc.com

Esther Levy Dresdner

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Esther Levy

Mind & Body Programming | The Art of Preparation | Author of "Interior Design of the Body" | Self-Growth | Motherhood | Holistic Health.